Events and News
Riverhaven Artland 29-31 January 2022
Riverhaven Artland Sculpture Park 29-31 January 2022 For three days over Anniversary weekend Aucklanders can wander Riverhaven Artland’s sprawling sculpture park, while helping raise funds for Franklin Hospice. This is the third year in a row that the Blundell family have offered up their sculpture park to help support Franklin Hospice. An entrance fee of […]
Hospice Yarn Challenge Update.
The great Hospice yarn bombing update Lockdown has been good for our yarnbombing participants! We have had more time to knit and crochet and have some fun with it. We are still aiming to wrap the tree in mid October so as soon as we hit level 2, we will need all the knitting to […]
The great Hospice yarn bombing challenge 2021!
The great Hospice yarn bombing challenge 2021! Get involved with helping Franklin Hospice showcase our brilliant community. We have been challenged to yarn bomb our tree as part of a National Hospice competition. We have a wonderful tree which we will be decorating (first picture.) The second picture is to give you an idea of […]
The Franklin Hospice Garden Festival 20 & 21 November 2021
The Franklin Hospice Garden Festival 20 & 21 November 2021 Every two years, Franklin Hospice holds their famous garden ramble where the public can go visit gardens in the Franklin area. A few years ago, it was decided to try out having a market and festival at one garden location over a weekend on the […]